Sorrel - significado y definición. Qué es Sorrel
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Qué (quién) es Sorrel - definición

Rumex acetosa; Common Sorrel; Oseille; Garden Sorrel; Spinach Dock; Wild sorrel; Khatta; Khatta leaves; Garden sorrel; Common sorrel
  • [[Sorrel soup]] with egg and croutons, part of [[Polish cuisine]]

·noun A yellowish or redish brown color.
II. Sorrel ·adj Of a yellowish or redish brown color; as, a sorrel horse.
III. Sorrel ·noun One of various plants having a sour juice; especially, a plant of the genus Rumex, as Rumex Acetosa, Rumex Acetosella, ·etc.
sorrel1 ['s?r(?)l]
¦ noun an edible plant of the dock family with arrow-shaped leaves and an acidic flavour. [Rumex acetosa and other species.]
?used in names of other plants with acid leaves, e.g. wood sorrel.
ME: from OFr. sorele, of Gmc origin; related to sour.
sorrel2 ['s?r(?)l]
¦ noun a horse with a light reddish-brown coat.
?a light reddish-brown colour.
ME: from OFr. sorel, from sor 'yellowish', from a Gmc adjective meaning 'dry'.
Sorrel is a plant whose leaves have a bitter taste and are sometimes used in salads and sauces.



Sorrel (Rumex acetosa), also called common sorrel or garden sorrel, is a perennial herbaceous plant in the family Polygonaceae. Other names for sorrel include spinach dock and narrow-leaved dock ('dock' being a common name for the genus Rumex).

Sorrel is native to Eurasia and a common plant in grassland habitats. It is often cultivated as a leaf vegetable or herb.

Ejemplos de pronunciación para Sorrel
1. Mountain sorrel, meadow sorrel, sorrel from, I don't know,
Lavash _ Kate Leahy _ Talks at Google
2. there's something called Sorrel.
Does Soul Food Need a Warning Label _ Adrian Miller _ Talks at Google
3. bought all the sorrel.
Lavash _ Kate Leahy _ Talks at Google
4. It was sorrel or something.
Natural Born Heroes _ Chris McDougall _ Talks at Google
5. that are called something like sorrel.
Lavash _ Kate Leahy _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de Sorrel
1. "But it‘s not just India and China," Sorrel said.
2. Like other mounts of Civil War generals, Little Sorrel, who carried Confederate Gen.
3. Alternatives: Finely chop wood sorrel (has a lemony flavour) and mix into some honey and spread over the pancakes.
4. Following the meeting on Sorrel Avenue, Jefferson told Mody that the vice president had demanded a cut of the profits.
5. Charlie and I sit down to a dish such as sorrel omelettes, made with eggs from our own chickens and freshly blanched sorrel from the garden, and think, "where on earth could we find a dish that tastes this good in any restaurant in the land?" We couldn‘t.